
The Complete API Security Platform

Proactively secure your environment from API security vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and design flaws. Protect APIs from attacks in real-time with automated detection and response.

Industry-Leading Impact of the Noname
API Security Platform


of Fortune 500 work with Noname


Exposed records protected


Attacks prevented per day

API Security – Existing Controls Are Not Enough

Traditional Controls Leave APIs Vulnerable

API Gateways and WAFs can’t protect against targeted API attacks or abuse

Misconfigured APIs Leading Cause of Cloud Breaches

Two-thirds of all cloud breaches are tied to misconfigured APIs, according to IBM Security

APIs are the Top Attack Vector

APIs are the number one attack vector for web applications, according to Gartner.

OWASP API Top 10 is Just the Start

Automatically secure your environment and APIs from hundreds of threats beyond the OWASP API Security

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